ok, here are just some camwhoring pics of me, jess, win (and gaby) last sunday.. but first.. several weeks ago, at my army company cohesion thing at eastcoastpark, i received a particular comment(compliment?) for the very first time in my life.
my friend said i was a pretty boy
well firstly, in my opinion, pretty boy is a compliment. and it usually refers to someone who's good looking with this slight boyish/feminine tinge (kinda paradoxical to say boyish/feminine eh)
and i never thought of myself as good looking, just probably average, and not ugly.
so now i'm a pretty boy! lol!
then furthermore last week when i was camwhoring with those abovementioned ppl, they said i was a girlyboy! wth! i guess it's similar in the sense based on definition. and after looking through the photos, one of them makes me uds why they said that.
if i had the time i'd photoshop it, but i'm lazy. i'll make the bckgrd grey and do some blurring thing to make myself stand out.. but.. lazy la :p
this is it:
quite pretty right!! hahaha. yaloh so after this pic they were like ee you look so girly.
anyway, i'm trying out Flickr for this blog entry.. it's MUCH faster in uploading photos than Photobucket, but the bad thing is it's hard to obtain the HTML to put it on my blog, as compared to the easy-to-access format of Photobucket.
well, slideshow it is: